It is interesting to note they adopted the program that Van Doesburg formulated in “Basis of the Concrete painting”, in Art Concret, Paris, April 1930. We transcribe it:

“Carlsund, Van Doesburg, Hélion, Tutundjian and Wantz. We declare:

1) Art is universal.
2) The work of art must be conceived and entirely shaped by the spirit before its execution. It must not receive anything from the given shapes of nature, neither from sensuality, nor from sentimentality. We want to exclude lyricism, drama, symbolism, etc.
3) The picture must be entirely built with purely plastic elements, that is to say, planes and colors. A pictorial element has no other significance but that of “itself”.
4) The construction of the picture, as well as that of its elements, must be simple and visually controllable.
5) The technique must be mechanical, that is to say, exact, anti-impressionist.
6) Endeavor for absolute clearness.”

Reproduced in Angel González García, Francisco Calvo Serraller and Simón Marchán Fiz. Escritos de arte de Vanguardia 1900/1945. Madrid, Ediciones Istmo, 1999, p. 284.