Julio César Vergottini
(Buenos Aires, 1905 - 1999)
La Boca Artists
Julio César Vergottini
He was born in Buenos Aires, on September 6, 1905. Between 1919 and 1923 he studies art in the city of La Plata specializing in sculpturing, drawing and engraving as a disciple of the Spanish sculptor Arturo González. Between 1928 and 1935 he travels with his brother, the drawing artist Marius, to Brazil, Europe and North Africa. He also visits Paraguay in several occasions between 1930 and 1934, where he exhibits the scale model of the Monumento a Los Caídos en la Guerra (The monument of fallen war heroes).
In 1938, he is awarded the First Prize at the Concurso a La Bandera and makes the monument that still stands at Plaza Colombia in Buenos Aires. In 1952, the Comisión Nacional de Cultura (National Cultural Commission) grants him a scholarship. In 1955, he travels to Antartica.
During 30 years he lives in a most unusual house: the machine room of the old Pueyrredón Bridge, near the Riachuelo. Today it is known as the Museum of Julio César Vergottini’s house.
We can find his sculptors in the following parks: Busto del Almirante Brown at the Plaza de los Suspiros in La Boca (1950); Monumento al Almirante Brown in Fox Fort, home town of this Irish patriot (1957); Monumento a la Madre in Tres Arroyos, Buenos Aires (1960) and Monumento a Alfonsina Storni at the Porteño cemetery of Chacarita (1963).
He dies in Buenos Aires, on May 3, 1999.
His work is exhibited at the following museums: Instituto Histórico Ciudad de Buenos Aires; Museo de Bellas Artes “Benito Quinquela Martín”; Museo de Bellas Artes "Pedro de Mendoza" in La Plata; Museo Municipal in Junín and Museo Naval in Tigre.