Next year, in three rooms of Galería Van Riel took place the Salón de Nuevas Realidades (New Actualities Salon). The title, a translation from the French association, conveyed the wish to play a part in the international Abstract movement. The exhibitors were grouped: Espinosa, Girola, Hlito, Iommi, Maldonado, Melé, Molenberg, Prati, Sousa, Vardanega and Villalba represented Arte Concreto-Invención; Arden Quin, Blaszko and Rothfuss stood for Madí; the independents featured Del Prete, Forte and Yente among others. The Italian architecture studio Rogers-Belgiojoso-Peresutti joined in through photographs of their projects.
In the course of the Salon, Ernesto Rogers, director of
Domus, a noteworthy architecture and design publication, presented his lecture “Position of the Concrete Art”. The text of it was recorded in the first issue of
Ciclo, a magazine designed by Maldonado. Rogers himself contacted the latter with Max Bill, whom Maldonado kept in touch with when he travelled to Europe, as well as with the artists Georges Vantongerloo, Friedrich Vordemberge-Gildewart and Richard Lohse. He also connected with modern architects and designers in an itinerary that derived, by request of Max Bill, in his incorporation to the Ulm school of design and the refraining from the pictorial activity. Previously, in 1951, Maldonado began to publish in Buenos Aires, together with Alfredo Hlito and the architect Carlos Méndez Mosquera, the “visual culture magazine”
Nueva Visión, the ninth and last number of which issued in 1957.

In 1949, the Salón de Nuevas Realidades was held again at Van Riel. A printed folder refers to it as 2º Salón Argentino de arte no-figurativo. Abstracto, concreto, Madí-Madinemsor (2nd. Argentine Salon of Non-figurative Art. Abstact, Concrete, Madí-Madinemsor). There exhibited: Arden Quin, Biedma, Blaszko, Bresler, Del Prete, Eitler, Fedullo, Hlito, Iommi, Kosice, Laañ, Maldonado, Prati, Rothfuss, Sousa, Villalba, Wainstein and Yente.