SNAPE organizes and presents the “Independent Showroom: without judges and without prizes”. Thirty one artists participate, where we can find the “Artists of the town” (Arato, Vigo, Riganelli, Bellocq, Facio Hebequer and Palazzo), Italo Botti, Quinquela Martín, José Fioravanti, Gastón Jarry, Adolfo Montero, Américo Panozzi, the Peruvian José Sabogal and Santiago Stagnaro, who had passed away in La Boca a little while before.
Quinquela Martín inaugurates his first individual exhibit at the Witcomb gallery.
Miguel Carlos Victorica returns to Buenos Aires from Europe, where he perfects his studies and centers his attention on the intimist painters related to symbolism, such as Eugène Carrière, Maurice Denis and Odilon Redon.
Cover of a catalogue of a Quinquela exhibit in Witcomb Gallery (Galería Witcomb)