taken place, because style, to me, is not only a way to make things, but a way to think transcending.”

During these years Berni resided and worked alternatively in Paris and Buenos Aires. He lived with Silvina Victoria, known by the nickname Sunula, "miss" in Quechua.
At Imagen Galería de Arte were shown in October collages and oils of the surrealist period (1928-1932) and twenty five photo mountings performed in Paris. In this series, more than fifty in all, the artist approaches erotic, politic and social subjects, through which, from what he declared to the newspaper La Opinión (Buenos Aires, October 10): “I wanted to make a critic to contemporary life by more categorical, more direct means than drawing... [Photo mounting] has a journalistic value, at times even pamphletary”. These features could be assessed at El deseo de los soldados, Solemne pensamiento, La era post-atómica, La Madre Superiora cura la crisis neurótica de la novicia, Pesadilla de la lesbiana, El hombre solo and La Peste.
He created the scenery for the Tribute to Neruda carried out at Orbetello, Italy.
He took part in the exhibition Arte de Sistemas en Latinoamérica which, organized by CAYC, crossed Europe. Berni submitted to this show a work performed on standardized paper according to IRAM norms (an Argentine standard), where you could read,