Luis Frangella
Sin título
(Untitled), 1988
Frangella chooses “3 de Febrero” railway station's exhibition as the scene for his paiting. To the right, a work by Avello
In 1984, Maresca organizes Lavarte (Wash yourself) in a self-service laundrette. Ever since, exhibitions and artistic events are held in alternative places. In 1987, Ariadna Pastorini shows her work and that of other artists in public places. Sergio Avello also exhibits his work in a railway station (3 de Febrero). The Mariscos en tu Calipso group (Gordín, Pagés, Miliyo, Lutz and Cas) exhibit in Cemento discotheque, repeating the experience in 1988.
Hernán Dompé wins the Argentine Art Critics Association “Experience-of-the-year Prize” with his piece Bloque.
Works by Xul Solar, de la Vega, Aizenberg, Kuitka and Rearte participate in Art of the Fantastic, exhibition held at the Indianapolis Museum of Art, USA.