The Galería del Centro Cultural Ricardo Rojas, directed by visual artist Jorge Gumier Maier, opens with an installation entitled Lo que el viento se llevó (Gone with the wind) by Liliana Maresca and a performance by Batato Barea. Under Leopoldo Pujato's management, this University of Buenos Aires Cultural Centre develops a series of activities that encompassed many expressions of emerging art. During this year, Emiliano Miliyo, Esteban Pagés, Sebastián Gordín, Marcelo Pombo, Miguel Harte, Pablo Suárez and Alfredo Londaibere exhibit there.
The ICI (Instituto de Cooperación Iberoamericana), inaugurated the previous year, present Inocentes distractores with Avello, Ernesto Ballesteros, Juan Paparella and Pablo Siquier.
Adolfo Nigro wins the Grand Prix d'Honneur at the LXXVIII Salón Nacional.