Grupo Artistas de Vanguardia
Tucumán arde
(Tucumán burns), 1968,
Transfer with logotype
of the actions
Nicolás García Uriburu colours the Venice canals during the International Art Biennial and in so doing he initiates Argentine Ecological Art.
Experiencias 68 presents radical proposals on conceptual ideological-political art at the Di Tella Institute. Among them, Familia obrera by Bony, Carta-renuncia by Pablo Suárez or Mensaje en el Di Tella by Roberto Jacoby are the forerunners of aesthetic works such as Tucumán arde, the result of which is exhibited in the Argentine C. G. T. [trade union] in Rosario during November. This is a collective work headed by artists from Rosario (Carnevale, Escandell, Rosa, Bortolotti, Gramuglio, Rippa, Favario, Puzzolo, Naranjo, Renzi, etc.), Buenos Aires (Ferrari, Jacoby and Beatriz Balbé) and Santa Fe (Graciela Borthwick, Jorge Cohen and Jorge Conti).